Tuscan Lodge of Mark Master Masons No1099 20/12/2021
Tuscan Mark Lodge No1099 held their official Installation meeting at Liverpool Masonic Hall, Hope Street, on Monday 20th December. 
Derek Horrocks and Bob Hart
These are unusual times for even though this was the official date for the Lodge’s Installation meeting, the Worshipful Master had been installed into the Chair in October.   All very confusing I know.  This meant that the December meeting was now just a proclamation.
  With the officers in place the Master WBro Bob Hart opened his lodge for the first time and then went on to approve the minutes.  After the minutes, the lodge DC, WBro Tony Colier carried out the salutations.
Eric Hughes; Derek Horrocks; WM and Steve Walls

These were to VWBro Derek Horrocks, PGJO who was representing the RW Provincial Grand Master and then VWBro Eric Hughes, PGJO. Followed by WBro Steve Walls PGSD, PGM’s Special Representative for the Liverpool Mark Lodges.  (This was Steve’s first outing since accepting the post) and WBro Jack Parker, PGStdB.  With the salutations complete, WBro Sandy Kean, PrGStdB, proclaimed WBro Bob Hart Worshipful Master for the ensuing year and the Worshipful Master was then greeted by the Brethren.  The appointment of offices was short and in line with Covid restrictions.  With all the offices staying in place there was only one address to be done and that was to the brethren and was delivered in fine style by VWBro Horrocks.

And Sandy Kean joins in

At the end of the ceremony there were the usual congratulations from the PGM and the WM then presented VWBro Derek Horrocks with a cheque for charity for £100.  At the festive board, WBro Steve Walls gave very generous praise to his predecessor, WBro Mike Winterbottom for all the hard work that Mike had put in on behalf of the Liverpool Mark lodges during his time as the PGM’s Special Rep.  We wish WBro Hart and the members of Tuscan Mark Lodge all the best for the new season.  Tuscan Mark Lodge sends seasonal greetings to all. .    

Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell